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Life story
October 26, 2006

Logan was Born in Wolfson's Children's Hospital in Jaxsonville, Floirda on October 26, 2006. I had him via C-section. Logan was born with a heart defect and had many complacations but was still doing very well. He entered our lives on October 26, 2006 at 10:26PM weighing 8lbs 10 oz and 21 inches, perfect&healthy. He was sent stright to the NICU for his heart problem. This is where he stayed for two weeks until he was taken to Shands in Gainesville, Florida where he had his frist heart surgery to fix is unperfect heart. He did every well and was in the Hospital through Thanksgiving & Christmas. We brought him home New Years Eve day. He had a lot of problems with gaining weight to eating with a bottle but soon he was a normal little baby, happy & healthy.




October 10, 2007

Logan was a very happy baby, cute&handsome. He would have been a heartbreaker he was so cute~~! Logan was born with a heart defect. It's hard to explain but I will do my best.  Logan was born with a congenital heart defect, a bit more than one. I will try to explain.

1. Aortic Stenosis
Aortic stenosis is a narrowing of the aortic valve or a narrowing of the aorta directly above (supravalvar) or below (subaortic) the aortic valve. Normally, oxygen-rich blood is pumped from the left ventricle, through the aortic valve, into the aorta and then out to the body. With aortic stenosis, it makes it very hard for the heart to pump blood to the body. Because of this he had to have surgery when he was two weeks old. Congenital aortic stenosis occurs four times more often in boys than in girls.

Logan also has a 2. Atrioventricular Septal Defect (also known as atrioventricular canal defect, or AV canal) This complex defect is best described as a large hole in the middle of the heart. It results from a lack of separation of the atria and the ventricles into separate chambers, and a lack of separation of the mitral and tricuspid valves into two separate valves. This results in a large connection between the two atria, between the two ventricles, and a single atrioventricular (or AV) valve where there should be separate mitral and tricuspid valves. In the most complex form of this defect, not only are there holes between the atria, the ventricles, and the mitral/tricuspid valves, one of the ventricles may not be properly formed, the valves may be 'over-riding' or 'straddling', or there may be an obstruction to the aorta. Because of the large amount of extra blood going to the lungs (through the septal defects), high blood pressure may occur and over time this can damage the blood vessels. In addition, the valve between the upper (atrial) and lower (ventricular) chambers might not close properly. Blood then leaks backward from the ventricular chambers to the atrial chambers. This leak is referred to as regurgitation or insufficiency of the valve. When the valve leaks, the heart has to pump more blood. This was also fixed during his first surgery.

3 Coarctation of the Aorta The aorta is the main artery that sends oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the body. Coarctation of the aorta is a constricted segment of the aorta that obstructs blood flow to the body. The left ventricle has to pump harder because the pressure is high. Coarctation of the aorta occurs in about 6 to 8 percent of all children with congenital heart disease. Boys have the defect twice as often as girls do. This was also fixed during his first surgery.

When Logan was 11 months old he had to go and have his second surgery. It was supposed to be a minor one. This is what had to be fixed.


4. Pulmonary Stenosis (PS) Pulmonary stenosis is a narrowing of the pulmonary valve. Normally the pulmonary valve opens to let low-oxygen blood flow from the right ventricle to the lungs where the blood is oxygenated. Because of the narrowing, the right ventricle has to pump harder to get past the stenotic valve. This can sometimes lead to enlargement of the right ventricle. With pulmonary stenosis, problems with the pulmonary valve make it harder for the leaflets to open and permit blood to flow forward from the right ventricle to the lungs. Logan had this fixed in his first surgery but now there are parts that need to be refixed.

5. Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) A ventricular septal defect, or VSD, is the most common kind of congenital heart defect. Normally, blood entering the right side of the heart stays on the right side (this is low-oxygen blood), and blood on the left side of the heart stays on the left side (this is oxygen-rich blood) which is then pumped to the rest of the body. When a defect or "hole" is present between the ventricles (or lower chambers), blood from the left side of the heart is forced through the defect to the right side every time the heart beats. It then goes back to the lungs even though it is already rich in oxygen. Because of this, blood that is not yet oxygen-rich can't get to the lungs. The most common signs and symptoms are trouble eating and gaining weight, this is why Logan has a hard time gaining weight. He's already 11 months old but only weightes 16lbs. A baby with a large VSD tires quickly after not eating very much, falls asleep, wakes us in a short while quite hungry, tries to eat again, tires easily, and the cycle is repeated. The child would be expected to have virtually normal growth, development, and life expectancy following repair. This is being fixed in this sugery. Hopefully.

6. Bicuspid aortic valve The normal aortic valve has three flaps (cusps) that open and close. A bicuspid valve has only two cusps. Lgoan has this now and because of this he may need a pace maker.
Bicuspid aortic valve is the most common congenital cardiac anomaly occurring in 1-2% of the population with boys affected 4 times more frequently than girls.

During surgery they couldn't get him off of bypass so they had to put him on a machine called the echmo machine which is like bypass only not. Then they told us he was going to need a heart transplant. Chad and I were hopeful that this would work. They brought this machine called the "Berlin Heart" from Germany
The Berlin Heart [Berlin Heart. from Germany. The pump, which acts like an artificial heart, remains outside the body and is attached to Logan's own heart by four tubes, each held in place with 60 stitches.} and gave him surgery again to give him the Berlin Heart which would act as an artiviful heart until he would recive a transplant. However after his Berlin Heart sugery Logan's little body just couldn't take anymore pain and stress. Both of his lungs collapes after surgery. A few days later he devoloed a virl blood infection and the day he passed away his kidneys failed.




October 10, 2007

On October 10th, 2007 at 1:40PM Logan was carried up to heaven with Jesus and many angels. He passed away peacefully in my arms with Chad by my side. He was 11 months 2 weeks old. He is now living forever home with Jesus.


December 11, 2007

I cried in his room, it's soo hard seeing him like that. He's just a little baby and he didn't deserve to have all that stuff happen to him. It was hard to see him like that when just the other day he was smiling and crawling.  Logan would open his eyes a little but he would look so tired from what hes gone threw. He squeezed my hand and wouldnt let go. But even through all this Logan was a strong little baby. He was already moving they tell us after having alot of drugs in him.

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There are no words that can accurately explain what it feels like to lose a child. It's like a stake throgh your heart.  On October 26, 2007 Logan would have been a year  old. His 1st Birthday. (;__;) I wonder about all the things he would be doing and saying and liking and not liking if he would of love Halloween as much as his mom, what kind of things would he have liked? An artist like his mom and dad? I think of these things all the time.  I miss him sooo much. Life is hard and now I'm wishing things could be better.  Its hard to beleive that our baby boy is in the ground and not here with his mommy&'s so hard but I am trying to make it through this as best I can. We'll love you forever, we'll like you for always. As long as we're living, our baby you'll be. Logan is buried in the baby section at the "Evergreen Cemetery" in St. Augustine, Fl. He has a lot of baby angel friends there. Some people only dream of angels. We held one in our arms. Logan is an angel now and I am still a mommy. n___n A mommy to an Angel.~~| 

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I'm never gonna get to go do like  I'll never get to know what his favorite candy would have been. He'll never carve a pumpkin or get to pick his costume. I actually bought his costume, three weeks before we went into the hospital. He was going to be a little ninja. Everyday I add to the never ending list of things my son will never do or I will never get to do with him. I force myself to do things everyday to force my self out of bed because if I didnt I would live in it. I know this is not what alot of you like to read or hear but I have to get it out of my system. I know that none of you can do anything to change these things but enjoy these things with your kids and share the stories don't put them off till next year cuz you never know.



This is for Logan, I want you to know that Mommy and Daddy will love you forever and hope and pray to God to take care of you. I know that we are not with you anymore in body, but we are always together in heart and soul. We will celabrate your Birthday every year to come. Mommy and daddy love you with everything we have. Be happy Logan and watch over us. We are keeping your room the same for you, youre crib and toys havn't been moved. Come and check on us while we dream of us playing with you.  I love you so much my baby Angel.


Love Mommy