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Daddy Love shared between parents & child no matter what March 8, 2013
 Father and sons bond will always be compassionate masculine and strong as the child is held and protected comforted when needed but also given the freedom to experience standing on there own once shown never alone but always guided. Not even death can break the strength and spirit of a fathers bold hold as love will always continue to unfold . Mother and sons bond is like a beautiful swan gracefully moving threw water the love is ever flowing steady ,white wings that gently glide threw a breeze reaching for the stars no matter how far nothing can seprate the wind from a feather .

Chad St.clair : The proud father of the strongest man all ever know my son who passed away after putting up a strong courageous fight , miss you my little Lion Heart . You will forever be in my heart with love , your spirit watchs over us all always. OXOXOXOX
Daddy Logan you would of been six today , Happy Birthday October 26, 2012
You would of been six today playing with sticks like little boys do , we would be wondering how the time flew as your mother and i don't know how we made it threw . Every Birthday is a riminder of pain don't know how we stayed sane , part of us will always be broken inside feels like something died an emotinal  suicide. Its hard to get out old photos sometimes and can only look for a moment as it brings up sad thoughts your really not hear , we hide them again not wanting to shed tears. 

Wished there was something i could of fixed , being out of my control we had to roll with the punches and that has taken its toll.What happened is in the past the pain will always last as we have only learned to deal with it better your mother and i together.Thoughts of you being hear playing with your little brother as he follows you around at the playground , can almost hear the sounds of laughter as i continue imagining there after.

Thoughts of picking you up from school with a drawing of us in your hand the sadness somtimes is to much to stand. All the things we imagine you doing at your age lets all of my emotions out of its cage. I'm grateful to God for all the memories we have sad and happy as they will always be treasured like an angles feather. The joy of knowing you are around in spirit watching over us from heaven brings us up when we feel down and relieves our frowns.

Happy Birthday Logan sincerely your loving father . Don't forget to kiss me your mother , little brother and the new one on the way to watch over us always. 
Daddy Felt your kiss yesterday wishing me a fathers day June 18, 2012
No family should ever have to bury there child , the pain is indescribable.Our son is watching over us from heaven twenty four seven with his spirit near i feel no fear but only love.Wish there could of been more time to spend with our son while he was with us but knowing that when were all in heaven togther we will have that chance forever.Ive felt his kiss on my cheek to wish me a happy fathers day , nothing but love comes my way.Shannon and Draven are what make life so complete , without them it would be hard to stay on my feet.All i need in life is the love of my wife son and heaven watching over us those are all a must.
Daddy Wolverine quote for my son Logan June 15, 2012
A death isn't like losing a job or getting divorced. You don't 'get over it. 'You have to integrate it into your life. Learn to live with it. does get better. ( Wolverine ) 

Think of you all the time Logan .This is a quote from the character Wolverine and thought you would like it.Love you forever son , OXOXOXOXO.
mom 2 Waylon kitchens Happy Birthday October 25, 2010

Happy Birthday

Beth To Logan October 26, 2009
Logan, I never had a chance to meet you but I wouldn't know your mommy if it weren't for you and for that I am eternally grateful.  I'm sad that the world will never know what a funny, warm individual you would've grown up to be but you will never stop being loved and up in Heaven, I hope you know that.

I love you and any time your mom or dad need any help they can call on me so you don't have to worry about them. :)

Happy Birthday!

mommy Happy 3rd Birthday to my Angel Baby Logan! October 25, 2009


It's a bit early but tomorrow i will be busy all day! I love and miss you my baby!

Edwina~Troy Mitchell's mum Thinking of Logan with love on his 3rd B/day October 25, 2009



A Birthday In Heaven

I heard you crying yesterday
And felt your heart-sent love
So I’m sending you this message
Now, from Heaven up above.

You’re wondering if I’ll celebrate
My birthday (way up here)
I know you’re missing me today
I feel your essence near.

God planned a special day for me
He told me with a wink
He’d ordered me a special cake
(It’s Angel food, I think)

I’m getting lots of hugs from God
He’s really good at that
And every time that I walk by
He gives my head a pat

Balloons will fill the streets for me
They float up through the clouds
And we have lots of clowns up here
That make us laugh out loud

There is a birthday carousel
Jeweled horses ride the wind
With music playing oh so sweet…
The magic never ends

I’ve made so many friends, you see
We laugh and play and sing
We ride our bikes and play jump rope
And sleep in Angel’s wings

We’ll have our cake and ice cream
And open gifts, surprise!
But we don’t blow out our candles here
Instead, they light the skies!


mom 2 Waylon Kitchens U are a shining star October 23, 2009
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens 4 ever loved & missed October 10, 2009
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