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Daddy Thinking of you even if I dont relize it. June 12, 2008

Logan im sure you are happy watching over Mommy and me. Hope that things get better for us ,its just real hard dealing with your loss and some dont understand its just as hard for the father as it is for the Mother. We miss you more than anything and hope that things get better for us with all the problems that are going on. Mommy and I pray to you and God and we know that you are there helping us.


 Mommy misses you and so do I ,cant lie that I always still cry even know your happy and free , the tears still make it hard to see. This pain wont let us be makeing us fall to are knees ,asking why did it come to this . Than Mommy and me beg for your kiss ,hopeing we feel you there missing the smell of your hair. Your room is so quiet and the door is keeped closed but not are hearts are love will never depart. Loved you from the start we thought nothing could keep us apart . Thats still true as your hear with us in spirt kissing are face no matter how far the place. Therese something after death when we all must rest . Life is a test Mommy and I are trying are best hope we have a long and healthy life and are able to give you a brother or sister for you to also watch over . Love you forever Logan  , are littel Lion Heart . Love mommy and Daddy ,OXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO 

truly touched What a bautiful site April 13, 2008
I am so touched by your website. Logan was such a beautiful baby-and I cannot imagine going what you have gone through. In reading your website it has made me realize how precious my boys are and I Thank You for allowing me to see that.  May God Bless you and your family-and your little angel forever Logan.
Meg love doesn't die February 11, 2008
I'm so sorry for the loss of your son.  He was a beautiful little boy!  The love you shared with him will always be there.  "Love doesn't die, people do"
someone who feels for you Words of wisdom and inspiration January 17, 2008

Three things in life that, once gone, never come back:




Three things in life that can destroy a person:




Three things in life you should never lose:




Three things in life that are most valuble:


family and friends


Three things in life that are never certain:




Three things that make a person:



hard work

Three things that are truly constant:

Father - Son - Holy Spirit


passerby handsome little boy December 22, 2007
your son is very handsome and 
knows that mommy and daddy have unconditional love for him. 
He will always be in your and your families hearts.i know i 
just lost someone very close to me. but your sweet little 
boy will always remember the good times and how all of 
you were there for him and logan will always love you
for that! Just keep ur head up and just remember his 
wonderful smile and the joy in his face! he is a very very 
handsome little boy!! i wish you the very best and 
a very merry christmas and a happy new year!
he is always gonna be with you and watching. 
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